Episode 5: Foundations in the Desert
In Episode 5: Foundations in the Desert, we consider why Oregon was about the last place Bhagwan’s personal secretary, Ma Anand Sheela, should have picked for the new commune. Then we see how exactly one starts to transform a huge tract of agricultural land into a commune fit for an enlightened Master and thousands of his disciples. We also compare the stories that Sheela told her neighbors and government officials in those early days with what was actually going on at the commune. By the time Bhagwan arrives, there is great confusion — and anxiety — about what exactly these “Rajneesh people” have in mind.
Episode Notes & Sources
Audio clips of Jayananda and Krishna Deva come from the May 1982 television program Town Hall: Fight for a City.
KD’s personal statement from the Oregon Attorney General files.
KD’s statement to the FBI.
Farmhouse and Pond, Rajneeshpuram
Krishna Deva (KD)
Break time at Rajneeshpuram. Krishna Deva at left; Sheela and Ma Prem Arup at the right.
Powerwalkin’ by Future Joust
All other music by Rusty King