Episode 8: Making it Legal (?)
How could Sheela and Bhagwan establish their new commune in America when most of their members came from other countries? The answer rested in a sacred institution — one the sannyasins were not afraid to twist to their own advantage.
Episode Notes & Sources
Audio of Sheela and Isabel discussing the decision on Bhagwan’s immigration petition comes from this video (link) from the Oregon Historical Society.
Audio of Bhagwan discussing his desire to build a small city comes from The Wisdom of the Sands Vol. 1 Chs. 1, 2 and 5.
Audio interview of Deeksha comes from the 1978 film Ashram in Poona by Wolfgang Dobrovolny.
Audio of Bhagwan discussing "crazy Deeksha" is from The Dhammapada Vol 1.
Deeksha’s story is adapted from The Golden Guru by James Gordon.
KD Weds Aruna Bharti, September 1982, Rajneeshpuram Times
KD weds Aruna Bharti, September 1982, Rajneeshpuram Times
Ma Prem Isabel, Rajneeshpuram Spokesperson
Arup’s American Marriage
When I Am Laid in Space by Rusty King (based on Dido's Lament from Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell)
Powerwalkin’ by Future Joust
All other music by Rusty King